in the era of
Circular Economy

and Intelligent Transport Conference

All presentations of the conference are now available online!
Read all the presentationsThe International Conference CirClE2019 "Challenges for the Islands in the era of the Circular Economy" + SMile 2019 “6th Sustainable Mobility and Intelligent Transport Conference”, is organized by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works of Cyprus under the auspices of DGENV and DGMOVE. CIrClE2019 + SMile 2019 will be held in Nicosia, Cyprus, from 28-29 March 2019.
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The speakers invited are representatives of Ministries, Public Authorities (National, regional, local), European Commission officials, academia experts, SMEs and enterprises members, NGO and international organizations’ leaders covering all areas of the quadruple helix. They are experts in the fields of circular economy, sustainable mobility and intelligent transport systems, sustainable development, policies and regulations, green growth and blue growth.
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