Giorgos Kremlis | Honorary Director, European Commission, Mandated by DG ENV for Circular Economy
and Insularity, Member of the Environmental and Social Advisory Council of the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Ilan Wilf | Fluence Corporation, USA
Alessandro Carollo ǀ IDEA URBANA Engineering S.r.l., ENERNETMOB project, Italy
Angel Priegue | International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Interreg MED
EnerNETMob project, Spain
Cristina Daniel | Energy and Environment Agency of Arrábida (ENA), Interreg MED EnerNETMob project,
Dimitrios Papastergiou | Mayor of Trikala, Greece
Gino Stefano Verrocchi | Abbruzzo Region, Interreg MED ESMARTCITY project
Helmut Morsi | Advisor to the Director & Coordinator for Innovation, DG MOVE-B, European Commission
Ivan Luque Segura | MEDCITIES AMB, Interreg MED GO SUMP- Urban Transports Community, Spain
Keneth Spiteri | Transport Malta, Interreg MED EnerNETMob project, Malta
Massy Ian | General Director Envipco Hellas, Vice-President Envipco
Orlando Paraiba | Energy and Environment Agency of Arrábida (ENA), Interreg MED EnerNETMob project,
Pantelis Georgiou | Mayor of Ypsonas, Cyprus
Peter Staelens | EUROCITIES network, Brussels
Ruth Lamas Borraz | Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, Spain