
Papachatzis A.

Professor, Univ. of Thessaly

Dr. Papachatzis is a Professor at the University of Thessaly and Director of the Laboratory of “Horticulture and Soil Resources - HORTLAB”. He is also the Project Coordinator of the Interreg MED Greenhouses project and coordinator of the Agricluster in Larissa. Since September 2011, he is also the Director of the Environmental Protection Division of the Technological Research Centre of Thessaly. He has almost 35 years of Academic Experience, teaching courses such as Arboriculture, Plant Propagation, Viticulture and Floriculture Production. His field of research focuses on issues for the protection and the development of plants and trees and the application of innovative technologies (e.g. Geothermal Greenhouses) in the Agriculture Sector. In the past, he has worked and still working at nowadays as Project Coordinator, Scientific Director and Researcher in a large number of European and National Research projects, including the awarded LIFE+ Adapt2change. Besides his Academic and Research background, he has over a hundred publications in international journals and participations in international conferences as panelist and speaker. 

Contact details: Tel: +302410684283

Tel/Fax: +302410684284

Mobile: +306945903022

Skype name: alek_pap

Emails: papachad@teilar.gr, med_greenhouses@teilar.gr, hortlab@teilar.gr

Webpages: https://medgreenhouses.interreg-med.eu/ , www.agricluster.gr